Sunday, February 04, 2007


omg. i should be resting now and busy preparing for the examination. wth am i still awake at this unearthly hour?

beats me, but i think i am addicted to watching youtube. been like real crazy over 萤火虫的梦. like i watched 10 episode online over just.. 1 day? fyi i don't usually have the privilege to watch prime time drama due to work, so yeah, don't know if this is crazy or wad. hahaha.. must be the x-factor of Khim and Felicia Chin that attracted me xD too bad geraldine only appear in one scene. boo!

alright, some funny thing that i found out about the show. if the school in the show is in the east, then why is the nearest shopping mall JP? beats me.. it's a show dude.

ahhh! i must have lose my head over here. okay people this is just a random post. tmr shall really start mugging hard for examinations. AD or A or macro, pass for poa, the rest hopefully a high B or A, dun really expect much for this semester, which is baddddddddddd..

oh! and the Lions are going to fight with the Thai tmr for championship! hope that our Lion's roar will scare the wits out of the Thai. Noh Alam Shah GOAL! =)

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