Thursday, April 30, 2009

Let the music heal your soul.

Many times in our bustling pace of life, we tend to oversee the little things that could make people feel serene and joyful. Like a great piece of artwork, these little masterpieces add up to show how much love and innocence is there around the world, to make it an even better place. They revolves around us, and come in different way for us to see it, hear it and feel it. Likewise for every successful motion picture made, the sound which surrounds us play a vital and integral part for us to feel in the moment.

I remember when I was young when my aunt brought me out to the Omni-theatre to watch Fantasia 2000. I was seriously overwhelmed by the effect of the crisp clear surround sound system in the theatre together with the wide-spanning view of the animation and motion picture shown. That was a moment that I will never forget, to be able to sink into the show with much amiration.

To many of my friends, it will be surprising and unbelivable to find that I do have an interest in listening to jazz and classical music, watching opera and theatrical stage plays. These are actually the music and environment that I am exposed to and influenced by since young, together with my sister. It is a complete contrast from the usual rock and punk songs that brings out an edge in what most young people like nowadays. Perhaps sometime moving away from a preferred choice do give you a fresh new look and impression of the diffent aspect in life.

And with the recent hoo-ha over the ocntestants from British's Got Talent, Susan Boyle and Hollie Steel amazing voice that could mesmerize the whole audience and billionth of online viewers, I could not help but to search back 2 fantastic contestants from previous season. One is a innocent 6-years old girl who sang with such perfect pitch, together with her cheeky smile with the two front teeth missing. The other an ordinary phone seller guy who gave such extradionary performances, singing opera with really got the crowd standing.

Presenting to you, Connie Talbot and Paul Potts. Their voices are so soothing, so pitch perfect that they had already touched my heart, especially the little girl. Now, will they touch you and make you tear after watching their performance?

Let this be the power of music, healing your soul.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

counting down...

Aight 34 more days of freedom. I should try to make full use of it.

Watch The Pursuit of Happyness last night (I know I am quite behind time). It was very nice indeed. The way the film portrayed the different stages of life whereby the lead, Chris Garner fight for survival under all the harsh condition, on how he wants the best for his son Christopher, on how he was able to balance between getting a spot in a no pay internship programme and getting the bread for the family really show how much happiness can really be once you see the achievement that you had made and the smile on other faces. Yes indeed, "happiness" should be spelt as "happyness", for it is not only "i" who will feel happy, others like "you" should feel happy too. =))

Okay, so my dad bought a new tv set. Yes it's big, but I think it's a waste of money to spend it on the backlight which doesn't really seems to affect the viewing pleasure. Oh well.. and I quarelled with my parents once again for not letting me to drive. One thing that I simply cannot understand why they are so strict and firm about not allowing me to drive out even though I got my license, and they refuse to give me a valid reason. Parents, I just cannot reason with them because they are my elders. =/

So I went to JB with Boon, Karen, Peishi and Por ge, to have supper and of course, ___ . Let just take it that I went there to relax myself and to get away from all the frustration within my family.

Oh, and recently I had a topic with my some of the society guys. Over dinner, while they were discussing about the Star Awards, I asked the guys if they were given a chance to date 3 Mediacorp female artistes out, who will they choose? Coincidentally, my first choice matches with my FB quiz answer, Rui En. Woah a girl with her own style and attitude is hot and mesmerizing to me! Seriously, I hope that in future I will get a girl like her. As I say, in future; but we will never really get to know what will happen in future. My two other choices, Wong Li Lin and Michelle Chong. Hot girls with style, yeah baby!

*sigh* Life is getting bored once I reached home. Like I am really dreading as each day passed so quickly, counting down again the days I have left as a civilian. I better turn in now, tomorrow soccer in the morning with the BFFs @ Fico!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Life is but a breeze

Another month is almost gone, and I have yet to pursue whatever I wanted to do. Let's do a quick recap what I have been doing.

Prior to the previous post, I passed my driving test. Like oh so finally this is the thing that I have been hoping to get. Then again, what is a person with a driving license but without a car. Everyday I would just beg and argue with my parents to let me drive out, but to no avail. Guess that's why I'm quite stubborn sometimes, maybe it runs in the family.

After that it was chionging all the way for bAoc'09. It was a great success I must say, though we had hiccups here and there. With so many students getting high and involved in our activities, plus the positive feedback were also given by the school and students, I really must congratulate the committee for the wonderful and splendid job done. Remember our big family and the famous quote, "Once strangers, now indispensible". Hopefully we can keep in contact and PLEASE DO NOT FORGET ABOUT THIS BOSS OF YOURS. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

Well after bAoc'09, life is much more of relaxing and playing. Catching up with friends, working to earn some extra cash, settling things that are overdued on my OTOT, post society member and getting to know more people! I was seriously enjoying myself and having great time until......

The very faithful letter from the Gahmen came. Yours truly is enlisting on 5th June. It's like wtf such a short notice, so unexpected. Now I am counting down the days I have left as a civilian and trying to enjoy my freedom as much as possible. After that very day I will be burdened down for two years. Holy shit! Which means I will not be able to attend the first event for the new society! =( Well, I am trying to think on the bright side and maybe take this 2 years to think through about life and the what's not, what are my future plan and all but based on the living cases from my friends, I doubt I will be given much time to do this. Shucks!

Oh well, that should be all. I'm better off to tidying up my room at such unholy hours (well I am getting very nocturnal lately) before I make myself to Tekong. 36 more days of freedom! People, better ask me out!

Au revoir~