Wednesday, December 31, 2008

every end is a new beginning.

2008 is coming to a close. It has been a roller coaster ride for me, and definitely a year that I may never ever forget.

2008 is a year when I lost someone special. Someone who is so close to me, so dear to me, who mean so much to me. Even though we knew that he may not make it past this year, we still do put in our faith for him to get better. I kept telling him that I want him to be there when I graduate, when I get married and so on. Now that he's gone, and cannot be physically there for us, but we all know there he is looking after us from a far away place, giving his blessing in whatever things that we do. May you be smiling at us forever Ah Gong.

2008 is a year when I am given a chance to lead. I appreciate and thank the trust and support I had from the seniors. Being the head of BA Society, getting to know and leading these bunch of kids who dont really know much at the beginning, seeing them grow to become leaders among themselves. I must say that I feel proud of them, even though I know how sometime I may be a bad example to them. The times we spent together having fun, laughing, pulling ourselves through difficult and tired times are all worth it. Hopefully we will get even better and produce a spectacular finale come April! =D

2008 is a year when I finally get to go beyond Malaysia! Yea your eyes is not playing trick on you, I had never stepped beyond M'sia (other than Hat Yai, the southern tip of Thailand) before. Don't call me a mountain tortoise. Alright so I went to Shanghai, China with my classmates and course mate. Really enjoy the short 5 days there. The weather there is so oh-my-feeling cool! But still, if you ask me to stay there for long, I will miss the sunny island of Singapore, especially the food! Woots!

2008 is a year when I got my first inked! I can still vividly remember the date; 23rdJan2008. Reason being 23rd is my favourite number. Haha, actually I had alway wanted to get a tattoo, and finally gathered my courage and rebellious self to do it. Never do regret it, and I still want more. No wonder they say tattoo are like drugs, they are addictive. Just that it is a little bit of a hindrance for your future and rather expensive. Oh well, I guess that my parents are still clueless about it, or do they? Hmmm..

2008 is a year when I get into virgin mishaps. LOL! Well to date, I got into my first bike accident (shall not elaborate on it), kena chicken pox on the eve of my birthday (most people only kena it once!).

2008 is a year when I seems to get so busy at times with all the projects and stuffs that I can forgo my sleep and times when I seems so carefree that I can just sit around and do nothing. Lol.

On a random note, 2008 is when The Little Nyonya brought joy, tears and many more to the audience of Singapore television production. I finished watching the whole show, and truly it will be a classic.

Oh well, so much for 2008. A new year is about to begin in less than a day! Hopefully with the new year, we can progress better with all the good blessings around. 2009 is going to be a fun year ahead with graduation, National Service, bAoc'2009 and so on... so till the next year;

Last but not least, wish Hui'er will have a splendid birthday in China. Enjoy!

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