Monday, May 11, 2009

Lost connection.

Have you ever asked yourself what would happen if you were born in another era? Some of my friends have dreams about living in the past era, like the times when classic rock hit the charts, when the Beatles were still the band of the moment, when Elvis was still alive crooning over the mic, when Bruce Lee was fighting his way to stardom. And there are those pre-World War generations where everything was cool and classic, and the pre-Media age where people seems to be more sociable, friendlier as a person than what it seems like to be in the IT age.

I have always wanted to relieve the times between late 80s to the early 90s, somewhere between the time when I was born. I don't know why either, maybe its due to the fact that I had always enjoyed watching the google box when I was still young, and influenced by my dad who would always blast the stereo with hits from that generation. And I find that the girls during that time is hot, or is it my personal preference of girls wearing a combination of jeans and buttoned up shirts.

Anyway today is Mothers' Day and surprisingly, I managed to convince my mum to allow me to drive around the neighbourhood. First step to is alway a good step towards me driving the car out! And I had a simple dinner with the whole family at my aunt's house, something we do every year but just a change of venue for this.

Other that that, life has been meeting up with friends, meeting new friends, birthday celebrations and more. Hope those birthday babies enjoy their special day!

Oh and not forgetting with the interview for the new committee. I am pretty much excited at the new committee, and really wish to attend their first event! Sad to say time is not on my side but I hope they can hold an event soon? Hopefully. Okay, time to stop. I'm left with less than a month to be a civilian. Must cherish time!

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