Tuesday, March 06, 2007

murder scene

the following entry may include gore content. read at your own risk.

okay, i don't know how or why, my toe just bleed. it's like, it just "pssssssst" and then ooze out from the wound. now my carpet has like a row of blood stain, just like those you see on the wall of homicide cases on shows like C.S.I. then my fingers were also stained with blood, like i never bleed so profusely over such small wound before. zz..

see the red stains on it? thanks goodness i most probable will be changing carpet soon. =)

anyway today went for bAoc stuffs. got to say it's abit boring, and the worse is when so many people agreed to participate yet so many pon and pangseh for bAoc halfway through. sian right? zz.. hopefully it will get better. bye.

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