Monday, October 20, 2008

First week.

Hello there so first week of school has flew by. Been busy busy busy like a bee for me, having to stay back everyday for meetings, meet ups and many more..

Anyway, let's recap. I attended a wonderful camp over last weekend. Got to know more people around NP, and of course, learned quite a lot from there. How to set challenges and face them, and staying positive. Sure did create a huge impact for me.

Then other than all the meetings, had a brief dinner date with the ex-MC people. Sure dows feel well to be with the familiar faces that you had worked so closely before. And everyone seems to be either real busy with Uni life or attachments other than me and PSC, but I'm sure our busy periods will start to kick in soon.

Of course, I am trying my best to be optimistic and get all excited for the coming, last semester. Not sure how it will go, but I'm am pretty much confident that it will be one hell of a busy one, with the many events for my projects and BA society. Hopefully by the end of the semester I won't wear out too much!

Alright till then, I shall try to update often.

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