Thursday, June 12, 2008


Now it comes to the time of your life where you have friends who are going oversea for a few years for further studies. These close friends that you have, where you shared your joys and laughters, pain and sorrow together in your teenage years will be going to a foreign land to carve out a better future for them. I guess I should feel happy for them, for going oversea, living an independent life out there is not as easy. Imagine struggling to adapt in a new environment and keeping up with your studies, and no one will be physically close to support you. Hmmm.. I'm in awe of my friends.

Yes I know it's not like the end of the world, but it's not like NS too. You won't really get to see each other for long (unless I fly over or they fly back regularly which I doubt is almost impossible) and you know they are physically not close to you. Oh well, I still miss Brother Tan presence, and now one by one the people whom used to sit around me every other single day in school is starting to leave. I wish them all the best and hope they can adapt real quick in their new environment. =)

Omg Euro fever is killing me... 3 more days to Shanghai and I'm not exactly excited about it =/

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